8 Subtle Changes In Your Partner That Are Actually Red Flags

8 Subtle Changes In Your Partner That Are Actually Red Flags

1. Sudden privacy awareness
If you two shared everything together, what was his was yours and what he knew you also knew, but not anymore, it means that there’s something going on. If he is asking you to respect his privacy, while he never did before, ask yourself what’s so important for him to hide. What’s so huge that he doesn’t want you to know? Unless your anniversary is coming up soon, I’m afraid that there’s something else going on.

2. Spending hours on the phone
All the nights you spent together cuddling, talking and watching TV together, you are now spending alone while he is on his phone. And he takes it with him wherever he goes, even when he is taking out the trash. If he is always on his phone, whether he is texting, talking on it or just randomly surfing the web, but he doesn’t care about sharing it with you, it’s just a sign that his phone is more interesting to him than you are. It’s one thing to spend some time on your phone but to let your relationship suffer because of it is completely different.

3. Sudden care of their appearance
He is suddenly going to the gym, buying himself new clothes and wearing cologne. It could mean that he is trying to impress you but if he is doing it only when he is going out, that usually means that there is someone new in his life he is trying to impress. If he is super grumpy at home and doesn’t really care how he looks but the moment he needs to go somewhere he turns into a top model, you have your answer right there.
