When Loves Becomes a Burden: Pay Attention To The Signs That Tell You Are No Longer in Love

The love that you had was unbeatable, unique and magical. All of your thoughts and actions were focused on this relationship that has filled you with new warm feelings you haven’t met before and it even caused you to tremble.
Is your love not like that any more? You feel melancholy when you remember what first days were like? This is not irreversible and it doesn’t mean that your love is gone, perhaps it is just lying low and waiting for the right moment to surprise you… leave it alone for a while, just wait a little longer to be sure…
If it passed several months after you have recognized what troubles you, and nothing has changed, and you still feel that you lost interest in both the relationship and your partner then it is time to make a decision.
If you became melancholic and concerned all the time, pay attention to some signs that will help you really understand where you stand. You will maybe discover that you are no longer in love with your partner.
Think through: have you done any of the following things, maybe even unconsciously, because you will probably be surprised with the truth that will come out: you don’t love him anymore!
One of the most certain signs that something is wrong is that you started to look at other men. Women simply don’t work this way when they are in a happy relationship (unlike men). They love with all their hearts and their partner is the only person they are focused on.
Alongside love, it is very important to have a good sexual relationship. Exciting touches, significant glances, passion – these are real indications that the fire still burns. Because if your love-fire is just smoldering, the same fire will be put out with your first tears and the love will not last all the falls that a relationship yields.
If you started to get angry over trifles and you are terribly bothered with all his usual habits, that actually manifests your anger at yourself and your choice. ‘Have I really chosen someone like this?’ is a question that you often ask yourself. It is a great burden to carry.
Believe me, if you are tortured with some of his annoying habits now, it just means that their number will increase with the years of living together, and one day you won’t be just angry, you will feel hatred. Don’t grow old together with someone you can not stand.
If you lost the will to go out with other friends or couples it means only one thing: you are jealous of their relationship, and you cannot enjoy sitting with them, knowing that you don’t feel as they do, that you don’t love as they do, that you and your partner don’t even look like a couple any more.
Recently you have noticed your quarrels are more frequent, and you are the person who drives them starting? There is no room for doubt: you lost your heart and your interest in maintaining this bond. After this, it will go only for the worse…
Last and certainly the most important: when was the last time you told him ‘I love you’ or ‘You are everything I want and need’? If you need to really think about this answer or go far back in time to remember this moment, rest assured, your love is extinguished. Maybe not to the end, but you will need a hell of a flame to re-burn it!