7 Weird Things a Breakup Will Do to You

Much like the first months after falling in love, breakups are notorious for what they can do to a rational human being. It doesn’t really matter what kind of person you usually are – if you’ve had feelings for your ex, you’re bound to go through some weird post-breakup stuff. Here are just a couple of things you should expect from yourself in the months to come.
- You won’t be able to stop talking about your ex
Remember when you two first got together and your new love was all you could think or talk about? Unfortunately, you have broken up means you’re in for more of the same. It’ll probably be like your mind is on repeat. It will drive you and those around you crazy. There’s not much you can do about it, which is why you should just go with the flow. However, it might be a good idea to try keeping your friendships alive by talking about other stuff from time to time.
- You’ll forget all the reasons you had for breaking up
If you two aren’t together anymore, chances are it’s with good reason. During your last couple of interactions, you mostly focused on the negative, which is why you thought you wouldn’t have a problem keeping it in mind. But now that it’s really over, you can’t seem to remember what went wrong. The only things that come to mind are the highlights of your relationship. This is making you want to go back, but you shouldn’t listen to yourself. Instead, try trusting that you really have broken up for nothing.
- You’ll be extremely moody
You can’t help obsessing over what happened between you two, but you also have to face all the changes that come with your breakup. You’re probably under a lot of stress and you’re unable to control your emotions. That’s why you’re moodier than ever – one moment you’re lashing out at your friend for having a life, the next you’re crying to your pets for not having one yourself. Keep in mind that this is all part of the post-breakup period that will eventually pass.
- You’ll do something that’s completely unlike you
It’s no wonder that people start acting a bit crazy after their breakups. We’ve literally seen it thousands of times, at least on TV. And although movies and TV shows tend to exaggerate to make the situations funnier or more dramatic, the truth is that we often lose our compasses when we break up with our partners. Maybe we won’t be as crazy as to stalk our exes, but we will spend all our free time watching them on social media. Even if we’re normally totally against such childish behavior.
- You’ll have problems remembering who you were before the breakup
When you’re on an emotional rollercoaster, you can’t really expect yourself to have a clear sense of who you are and where you’re headed. Your breakup might leave you wondering what you were like before you started dating your ex. You might even start thinking you’ve lost your identity during your relationship. There’s really no need to worry, though, since this is just one of the common symptoms of getting over someone. Eventually, you’ll recover and in the process, you’ll regain your sense of self as well.
- You’ll come up with weird scenarios of bumping into your ex
We’ve already said you’ll have a hard time thinking about anything else but your ex. Chances are your thoughts will take some weird turns as well. It’s not uncommon for people to start coming up with ways they could bump into each other. What’s even worse, you’ll probably have an exhaustive script for every possible scenario. So there’s no need to worry about going crazy – it’s all part of your recovery process.
- You might even forget you’re no longer together
One of the weirdest feelings you get after breaking up with someone is forgetting all about it. One minute you’re mourning the loss, the next you’re thinking about what to get for dinner for the two of you. This might come as the biggest surprise, but it’s really not that weird, especially if you’ve been together for a long time. And moments such as these will get fewer as time moves forward.