How to keep the passion alive: A couple of tricks which can keep every woman’s sex life healthy and vital

Maybe it doesn’t seem that way, but it is very important for you to know that even if a monotony sneaks its way into your marriage, you can quickly resolve this issue. A little effort, a little imagination, and everything will quickly return to the way you like it …
The man likes to hunt for love and likes to be hunted back. Good foreplay will make him pliable and susceptible. Try to get out of the mold. Free yourself from shame – well he is a man of your life and he will surely not judge you. Just the opposite, he will be thrilled to see your passion still burns. After a few days, believe me, you will not be the only one to start the love foreplay…
Do you think it’s stupid for you to often touch him while you are outside, or out with your friends? Because you are no longer some young teenagers in love? You don’t even have to be because our age is often not in line with our thoughts. But even if you are not young teenagers that don’t mean that you are no longer in love. Be free to touch him like at the beginning of your love, isn’t it great to feel love and show love?
Touch is the strongest love weapon that can take you to places you haven’t even dreamed of. His touch tells his friends how much he values you and wants others to see it, his touch in your sorrow means that he will help as much as he can until your sorrow is gone, and if he touches you with no particular reason, believe me, he fears if you are still with him and do you feel the same as he does. He just hasn’t learned that it’s okay to tell that out loud.
You can do wonders with just a touch.
If it’s been a while since you two held hands, grasp his hand.
If he stopped touching your hair, touch his, so he is reminded of that wonderful feeling.
Hug him for no reason. You do not need a reason for it. You didn’t need it at the beginning, why would it now be required?
Kiss him while he is watching the game on TV. You’ll be amazed how little he is interested in sports when you are nearby. And how irrelevant is the fact will you make love on the bed, or on the floor or elsewhere.
Men need a compass, otherwise, they are lost. And as much as it seems difficult that you always have to be the one to do the creative work, you need to be aware of this: women are simply more emotionally intelligent than men and that will never change. You are his compass and without you, he is lost.
Regarding passion: if you don’t show your passion, neither will he. You have to pull him out of his comfort zone and show him his woman is a lioness and you will be amazed at the things he will say and the touches he will give.
Keep the passion going with your imagination and creativity and he will follow. Otherwise, he will presume you are not interested and he will not make an effort. Unlike you, he cannot see what lies behind the horizon.