12 Ways To Behave After Sleeping With A Guy For The First Time

It is not easy to know how to behave when you sleep with a guy for the first time, especially if that is your first time ever. You probably want to say all that lies in your heart and admit that you are head over heels in love with him but that is not what will keep your man interested. You see, guys and girls are quite the opposite when it comes to lovemaking. Once a girl sleeps with a boy she becomes addicted to him because she connects with him deeply, while men don’t feel that way.
They are not half as excited as girls when it comes to sex. It is true that they want it bad but girls do it with more emotions than men. That’s why girls become clingy, needy and pushy once they sleep with a man for the first time and boys behave like it is not a big deal. So, how to behave after sleeping with a guy for the first time? Are there some rules that we all need to follow? Well, there are rules but it is up to you whether you will follow them or just listen to your heart.
I know it would be much simpler to just listen to your heart and not play any games but that is exactly what you need to do if you want to make your man interested in you after he gets what he wants. And here is how:
1. Don’t be weird
Okay, you did it for the first time in your life and you feel so strange. You are trying to see if something about you has changed but you can’t figure it out. You just feel different and that’s all. And when you turn your head there is a man lying next to you, feeling totally relaxed while you are wondering if you did all right. But that is the moment when you could start panicking but whatever you do, don’t do that. Don’t be weird, asking him if you were good or if you will repeat it again. Try to be as natural as you can and just enjoy the afterglow. I know that you would like to do so many things now but it is better to leave them for next time. If you say something wrong, maybe your man won’t be interested in you again or he will think that you act quite strangely. And trust me, that is not the point of this story. Just relax and enjoy and whatever you do, don’t talk so much. Don’t make him think you are a pain in the butt. Let him start a conversation if he likes but don’t initiate anything. You can just tell him that you had a great time and that you are glad that he was your first one. That will surely melt his heart.