I Am Not An “Almost Relationship” Type Of Woman

I don’t believe in ‘almost’. When it comes to love and relationships, ‘almost’ should never be a related term. ‘Almost relationships’ are painful. They exhaust your strength. They drain your efforts. They demand everything you have and they give you something half-assed in return. That’s why I don’t do ‘almost’— at least not anymore.
I learned my lessons. I studied them well. I paid for them in tears and broken pieces of my heart. So, I am not repeating them in this lifetime. Almost is like looking at all the happiness and love in front of you but never being able to fully reach it or entirely feel it.
Almost is playing games. It’s like seeing that somebody is there but not there. Somebody cares for you in one moment just so he could take it all back in the next. It’s hot and cold, back and forth and going round in circles of pain with brief moments of happiness.
Almost is being there but having one foot out of the door at all times. It’s giving just half of your heart to somebody who gave you their entire heart. It’s being half committed and doing just the bare minimum, so the other side would have something to hold on to but never enough.
Almost is poor efforts and low investments given to somebody who is all in. To somebody who has no limits when it comes to giving. To somebody who puts her hopes and dreams aside because his come first. To somebody who cares more about the happiness of the person she loves more than her own.
Almost is every chance he has wasted. All the times he said that things are going to be different. All the times he left wanting to come back. All the times he swore he will change and get his life on track but never did anything that will grant him that change. Always staying the same.
Almost is an illusion of hope that things might be different. That it’s all about giving somebody time to get where he needs to get, so you could be together. It’s all the promises he will never keep. It’s keeping your fingers crossed and believing you can make it when deep down, you know he is just serving you lies. It’s waiting for something that will never be.
Almost is not having enough of anything. It’s never having enough time to spend together. It’s being there in the flesh but not being there emotionally. It’s all the texts that never came when you needed them and all those that were left unanswered. It’s half of the affection, crumbs of attention and glimpses of happiness. It’s being near love but never being able to keep it.
That’s why I don’t believe in almost. I am not an “almost relationship” type of woman. There is no room for almost when it comes to love—it’s all or nothing. However, I do believe in true, genuine and absolute. I believe in the kind of love I am capable of giving.
I believe in being somebody’s everything and not being somebody’s almost.
I believe in true love. The one that doesn’t have to be forced. That conquers all the obstacles down the road. The one that finds ways to keep two people together no matter what’s happening in their lives. The one that go against bad times and that never makes excuses.
I believe in genuine feelings. The ones you need time to build. The ones whose foundations are based on trust. The ones that are filled with chemistry and connection but go one step further and evolve into something that will never end.
I believe in complete commitment. I believe it’s possible to be loyal and devoted to just one person. I believe that there is someone out there who shares my beliefs. Someone who knows that actions count more than empty words. Someone who makes room in their life because he wants you to stay. Someone who makes time. Someone who puts in the necessary efforts. Someone who is not afraid to love and be loved back.
I am not an almost relationship type of woman. I am a woman who knows what she wants and what she deserves, and is not afraid to ask for it or wait for it. I am a woman who is done waiting and done wasting time on almost relationships, half-assed promises, and half-assed men.
I am a woman who won’t repeat her mistakes. I am a woman who won’t settle for anything less than true love, genuine feelings, and absolute commitment. I want it all and almost will never be good enough.