Stop Putting Up With Him Just Because You Are Afraid He’ll Walk Away

I know there are some things you are constantly trying to run away from. There are some things you refuse to face, despite the fact they are so obvious. But I am here to open your eyes and to make you face the harsh truth, no matter how painful it might be.
The man you are currently with is not treating you right. He doesn’t behave the way he should behave and the way you deserve him to behave. The harsh truth is that this man doesn’t love you enough or the way you deserve to be loved. He doesn’t appreciate all the effort you’ve been putting into this relationship and all the sacrifices you’ve been making for him. He doesn’t appreciate the fact that you are fighting for this relationship and that you are fighting for him, even when he doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t appreciate the way you’ve been struggling for this relationship to work.
Besides, this man doesn’t have any respect for you. It’s not just that he doesn’t appreciate everything you’ve been doing for him and your relationship, he doesn’t respect you as his girlfriend, as a woman or as a person.
While you are giving him everything you have, this guy doesn’t bother to put any effort into this relationship. He is selfish and egocentric and he never thinks of your needs. This guy doesn’t protect you and never takes care of you. He’s been taking you for granted for as long as you can remember and he thinks you’ll always stay by his side, no matter what he does. This man is never by your side when you need him and you feel like you can never count on him and his support.
And the worst part is that you know all of this very well. You are aware of everything I’ve told you and you know there is even more to it. You just think it’s easier if you continue lying to yourself. You keep making excuses for this guy and you keep justifying his behavior. You secretly hope that he’ll change with time and that he’ll see all the emotional damage he’s been inflicting on you all these years.
But I am here to burst your bubble and to tear down all your hopes and dreams. It’s time you stop running from the fact that this guy doesn’t deserve you. It’s time you stop justifying him and everything he’s been doing to you. It’s time you stop hoping he’ll change, because he won’t.
And most of all, it’s time to stop being afraid. I know you are scared to stand up against him because you think he’ll leave you the moment you do. You are afraid to speak up for yourself and you are scared to complain about his behavior because you are worried that he might walk away from you.
And you think this is the worst thing that could happen to you. You are scared that him leaving you would break you and destroy you completely, so you’ve decided to put up with everything he is doing to you and the way he’s treating you just to keep him by your side. Sadly, you are very much aware that this is not what love should look like and that this is not the way your romantic partner should treat you. But with time, you grew used to him. And you think you are satisfied with crumbs of his love and attention. You think it’s better to have these bits of him than not to have him at all. So you decided to put up with everything he’s been doing to you, just so as not to lose him.
But I am here to tell you that it’s time to stop doing this. Because although you don’t think like this right now, him walking away from you is the best thing that could ever happen to you. And even if doesn’t do it, you should be the one to leave him. I know it’s not an easy thing to do but it is something you need to do for your own good.
Yes, you will suffer at first. But gradually, you’ll get over him and you’ll be grateful you made this decision in good time. You’ll be grateful for regaining your self-confidence and for getting rid of someone who never loved you and who never treated you right. All the pain you might feel when you walk away from this toxic man will be worthy in time. And you’ll realize that leaving him was the best move of your life.