Stay Single Until You Meet The Person Who Makes You Laugh So Hard Your Stomach Hurts

Somehow, along the way of growing up, we learned that it has become normal to cry in our relationship. We have come to realize that we really are unable to resist it, because we get hurt, even a little bit from time to time. We get left alone with our thoughts and we cry.
We have cried ourselves to sleep too many times because we forgot that we need to be in a relationship for the happiness it brings, not for the pain and the misery. I realized it at the right time, because the right person came into my life.
The first time I saw him, he put a smile on my face without any particular reason. Just the look of him made me happy. But it’s not because he was so handsome or that he was funny looking—no. He was just a spark of sunlight that came into my life that day without any announcement.