The Truth Is You Can’t Force Someone To Be Loyal

Unfortunately, some of us have been deceived by the man of our dreams. We have been deceived in ways that tore our insides apart, that turned our hearts into little, shattered pieces and made us question all the actions of every man that will ever again come into our lives.
You tried. I get it. Like every, each and one of us. You tried to make sure he understands the consequences and to make him see how important it is for you that he doesn’t cheat on you. You are already comparing yourself to every other woman. There were even times when you would sit down with him and just talk about this topic and he still didn’t respect you enough to stay away from this.
Broken promises and broken hearts hurt the most. When you look at your partner, the one you were prepared to spend your entire life with going away with another woman, it pierces you like thunder and it throws you to the ground. Like you have never meant anything to him.
But the truth is, no matter how hard you try, you can’t force someone to be loyal. All your words and all your effort were in vain. But if they want to cheat on you, they are going to cheat on you. With all the tears in the world, you can’t keep him from going after another woman.
In my situation, it was more or less a lost battle because he once told me that he cheated on one of his girlfriends before, but he convinced me that he has changed. He told me that he loved me too much to do something like this.
Of course, I was telling him that if he cheated on me once, I would leave him automatically and there was nothing I could do to forgive him if it really came to that. He reassured me that it would never come to something like this—it’s disrespectful and it’s deceiving. So I believed him.
I didn’t bother much with the details about what happened in his last relationship. To be honest, I didn’t care too much. It’s more so that I would look at him whenever a hot girl walked by to see if he’s going to check her out or not. But it wasn’t more than that because he would talk to often about how he regretted his past as a cheater.
Guess what happened? He cheated on me.
One day, I was walking through a street that I didn’t use before. Someone told me that it had nice caffes so I wanted to check for myself. When I was walking by, I looked at the window of a cafe and I saw him, holding hands with another woman. While I was staring, not believing what was happening, they even started kissing.
I just waited. I waited for him until he came out, simply to tell him that I don’t want to see him ever again.
The moral of this story is that you can’t force someone to be loyal. In my situation, I didn’t talk much about it. I didn’t hold him down, but I did tell him that if something happened, he’d be dead for me. Even when he knew it, when I made it clear to him, he still decided to go off with another woman and break my heart.
We don’t need these cheating men in our lives. You need someone who knows that you have a tender heart and that it will shatter into pieces if anything ever happens to it. You deserve someone who will put you first and not even consider to look at another woman in a deceiving manner.
One day, you won’t even have to talk about it with your partner because he will know right away that a monogamous relationship is what you are striving for – and him, too. He will tell you that sex is something intimate that should be shared with your partner and that person will be you. He won’t go around swinging his dick at other women, no. He’ll be loyal.
You can’t force someone to be loyal. Either he’s a good person and he knows how hurtful it is or he’s just an ass-hole who doesn’t care about the feelings of a woman who would do everything to make him happy. It’s that simple.