5 Basic Needs Your Husband Has (Are You Meeting Them?)

Let’s be clear: if you’re meeting the needs of your partner, it doesn’t mean that you’re surrendering yourself to an inferior role in your relationship. It just means that you’re not selfish and isn’t that the key to a successful relationship? So, people have some very basic needs but in your marriage, your husband will probably have most or even all of these needs that you need to fulfill in order to make him happy and keep your relationship as calm as it can be.
See also: 6 Things You Should Be Selfish About In A Relationship
1. Sexual fulfillment
I’m putting this first in order to get it out of the way right at the beginning. We all know that men love sex, don’t we? So, in order to fulfill your partner’s needs in the sheets, you need to communicate it right from the beginning. You can also tell him what you love to do and he’ll kindly respond. It might even get him more interested in you because you’re so open to talking about it. Don’t be afraid to try out new things with your husband and show him how confident you are in yourself by being free. Maybe even try to communicate it to the core if you’re not really in the mood right now, because he might take rejection very badly and it’ll make him very uncomfortable if you are aggressive about it.
2. Gratefulness
Your husband might be working up to 10 hours a day and still finds time to be there for you and the kids, so why not be grateful for it? He’s probably doing the best he can to make you feel loved even though he’s doing so much when you’re not physically around. Let him know that you appreciate him and his efforts by telling him. Also, it might be something as easy as making him dinner every night so he doesn’t have to worry about it when he comes home or even giving him a massage. It’ll mean the world to him and he’ll know that you are willing to understand him. Simply, tell him at every opportunity you have how loved and appreciated he is in every possible way.
3. Trust
Your husband is with you because he loves you. If this wasn’t the case, he’d be running off with someone else whenever you have a fight or whenever you’re in a bad mood. But he stays with you, right? If this is the case, you need to trust your partner that he will be there for you when you need him. You need to trust him that he won’t do anything that might hurt you. Men can’t stand if you’re insecure to the point where you’re constantly checking on him to see what he’s doing or whom he’s with, simply because he only has eyes for you. If he really does do something on his own or puts in a lot of effort and time into his work, it’s probably because he wants you to have a better life. Don’t let your insecurities run wild and make you show him that you don’t trust him. Maybe even more important is the trust he has in you. If he can look at you and see a woman who’s only his and only has feelings for him, he’ll feel more calm and it’ll make him love you even more.
4. An attractive partner
Don’t freak out, he doesn’t need you to be Angelina Jolie, he wants you to be comfortable with your body to the point where you look the best you can. If you’re putting effort into your hygiene, comb your hair daily and wear clothes that compliment you, you’ll be the most attractive woman in his eyes. You can let yourself go on days that you don’t feel like pepping up, but don’t let there be too many. It’s in the blood of every woman to want to look the best she can, mostly for herself and not just for her partner but in this case it might meet his needs very well.
5. Fun
Men are very childish no matter their age, that’s why they can play video games in their thirties or go to football games every weekend. How about you do those things with him? It’ll mean that you’re his best friend with whom he can have so much fun with. Show your husband that you care about him by showing interest in his hobbies. Go with him to that game or go play golf with him! I promise you it’s not that bad once you see how passionate he is about these things. You will see your relationship from a whole new perspective but it’ll also make him fall in love with you even more.