Ex’s Return: 6 Major Reasons He Wants You Back

Every woman has gone through the same shit at least once in her life. She had a guy, there was chemistry, he was always calling and texting her, maybe they were even dating and then he disappeared all of a sudden.
What happens next is that you have to go through the stages of emotional healing. You have to go through the hell of forgetting he exists so you can give yourself another chance for love. You have to cry in your bed, you have to be angry at the world and at yourself for falling for him. You have to learn to smile again and forgive yourself. If you have problems with that, try finding a solution here:
Smile and get rich! And get a lot of other things too…
Nevertheless, eventually, you learn to get through all of that. You learn to heal and forgive.
You learn to heal and forgive.
After you finally find peace, guess who comes back, knocking at your door?
Oh yeah, it’s him. Now, all of a sudden that you’ve dealt with the fact you are not together anymore, he comes back. Why do guys do that?
1. He’s lonely
He’ll probably text you first, using the excuse that he just wants to see how you’re doing. The thing is he is feeling lonely and down and he needs a bit of confirmation that he still matters. And the best way to get that is to get back in touch with you. Now, some women get their hopes up and they think he really wants to get back together, and they feel flattered that a man is reaching out first, but in most cases that is not why he contacted you. He probably contacted you just because he’s lonely and in fact he doesn’t need anything other than a lousy text back from you. He wants to feel important and he wants to know he has still got it.
2. He wants comfort
He is going through a rough patch and he needs emotional support. Now, you are the last thing he had and despite the fact you broke up, you had some kind of an emotional bond and understanding for each other. He wants to take advantage of that. He wants you back only because he needs comfort, a shoulder to cry on. He’ll probably vent out all of his problems on you and disappear again, like he did the first time. So don’t fall for that, especially after you’ve been through hell and back to get over him.
3. He needs confirmation of his self-worth
Being single can provoke some nasty feelings in you. You can feel unwanted and ugly when the truth is far from it but somehow you can’t shake off that ugly feeling. That is one of the reasons your ex wants you back. He probably feels like shit, his self-confidence is below zero and he wants some validation. There is no better place to find it than with you, than going back to something he already knows. Don’t fall into this trap because this is a selfish act. He doesn’t want you back for you, but for himself, to make himself feel better.
4. He forgot what the past was like
There was a reason he broke up with you. He was unhappy, and maybe he told you what the problem was, maybe you got closure or maybe he didn’t. It doesn’t matter. The thing is that your relationship didn’t work out for some reason. But now he wants you back all of a sudden. You know what happens usually? After some time passes, loneliness and lack of emotional support leads you into thinking about your past relationship and how great it was.
Time heals all wounds, that’s true, but it also idealizes the past. That’s what he is doing. He is remembering only the good things in your relationship and he is probably wondering why you broke up in the first place. But that’s the trick; then you get back together, and after the initial thrill of the new relationship wears off, the old problems come barging in and you remember why you broke up. This, of course, leads to yet another break-up, where you’ll have even bigger problems to deal with.
5. He wants sex
This one is easy. He wants to get back with you because he only wants sex. He’s stuck in a bit of a dry spell and he wants some action on the side. Logically, you are the first person he’ll come running to because he thinks you give in easily since you are probably still emotionally attached to him. Don’t stoop that low because he’ll just use you and toss you away like he did the first time.
6. He wants you back 100%
Let’s save the best for last. Maybe he truly realized he made a mistake and he regrets his past actions and he wants you back. Maybe he was completely miserable from the moment he broke up with you but he didn’t know how to get you back. If you see that his intentions are true, if you see that he is not broken, insecure or just lonely, then he means well and he probably just wants to admit he was a jerk for letting you go. But in the end, you are the one who decides whether you’re going to give him another chance or not.
Think twice before making your final decision because if you make the wrong one, it could destroy you.