9 Signs You Are In A Bad Relationship You Should Never Ignore

We all have had at least one relationship that went wrong and it affected more than just our love life. It has affected our health, our work abilities and our relationships with other people in our life because of all the walls we built. It has affected all of our future relationships because we are afraid of getting hurt again. It’s hard letting someone in after we’ve been broken, but it’s even harder when we decide to let someone in, only for that person to destroy what’s left of us.
If you are wondering if your relationship is a bad one, that could already be sign that it really is. Sometimes our gut senses things before our mind realizes them. But how can you be sure that your relationship went wrong? That it’s not what you want it to be? Look for these signs that you should never, ever ignore.
1. Insults disguised in jokes
Even if it’s said in a playful tone, it doesn’t mean it hurts less. Sometimes partners use jokes as a way to disguise insults they say only to make themselves feel better. If you say you are hurt, they will offer you an excuse that it was ‘just a joke’. But just because it’s a joke, it doesn’t mean it’s okay to say it. Partners need to respect each other and value each other’s feelings and opinions.
2. Lack of communication
When there is no communication in a relationship, that kind of relationship can never move forward. If you can’t tell your partner about your feelings or if he can’t open up to you, then there is something missing between the two of you. In a relationship, we need to feel accepted and we should be able to discuss what’s bothering us and how we feel. If that part of the relationship is missing, you are missing trust.
3. You don’t feel like an equal
Your partner is always the one to make decisions and it seems like if he is okay with something, you need to be, too. If he doesn’t feel like doing something, you are not doing it either. If he wants something, you want it too. When he makes decisions that include you, it doesn’t even occur to his mind to ask you about it. That’s not the relationship you want to be in because it will only get worse with time. If he doesn’t know how to respect your wishes, he is not worthy to be part of them.
4. You don’t feel like a priority
A healthy relationship is all about making compromises and having understanding because the two of you are actually merging two lives together. But, giving up on your life is not an option and it should never be. And if you feel like you are putting your life on hold for him, while he can’t even make time to call you or take you out on a date, then he is not worth it. You are not meant to be someone’s last resort—keep in mind that you deserve so much more than that.
5. You have make-up sex instead of talking
We all know how make-up sex can be good, and I mean really good. But if you are using make-up sex to solve your problems, it will lead you nowhere. Talking and solving issues before or after sex is necessary, but if you continue ignoring the problem after sex, that’s just a sign of a toxic relationship.
6. Your friends and family don’t like him
It’s easy to get mad at them for not accepting your partner because we feel hurt. After all, he is our choice. We feel like our friends should respect him for that reason. But, keep in mind that your friends were there for you long before he came into your life and they only want what’s best for you. Same goes for your family. If they don’t approve of him and they actually can give you reasons why is that so, that’s a sign you need to reconsider your relationship.
7. You feel relieved once you are alone
If this is not a red flag, I don’t know what is. If you feel that you are constantly on the edge of your nerves when you are around him or that you feel trapped or smothered in your own relationship, why do you even fight for it? He is not worthy of your own sanity and health.
8. You take all the weight
Their problems are your problems, and your problems are still your problems. You notice something is off? Because it is. A healthy relationship is about sharing the load, about fighting together not against each other. It’s about picking each other up and moving forward together. Using your partner to vent without even checking back on them is an extremely selfish behavior which shouldn’t be tolerated in a relationship.
9. You feel like you need to change for him to be happy
If he can’t accept you for who you are and his constant criticism is making you wonder if you should change, the only thing you should do is leave. If he is not happy with who you are, that doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you or that you need to change. His happiness does not depend on you and it’s not up to you to give parts of yourself to make him feel better.