VIŠE OD 15 MRTVIH! Policija saopštila najnovije informacije o masakru u Pragu: Sve je počelo kada su našli JEDNOG MRTVOG MUŠKARCA

VIŠE OD 15 MRTVIH! Policija saopštila najnovije informacije o masakru u Pragu: Sve je počelo kada su našli JEDNOG MRTVOG MUŠKARCA

In the charging that happened today in Prague, 15 individuals were killed and no less than 24 were harmed.

This was declared by the leader of the police, Martin Vondrasek, at an unprecedented gathering.

– In this shocking occasion, in excess of 15 individuals lost their lives, no less than 24 were harmed – he said.

Prague, Czech Republic
– The police have been looking for a 24-year-elderly person since morning, who said he needed to end his own life. At 12:45 we got data that a dead man had been found. We quickly discovered that he is the suspect’s father, who is responsible for the crime that occurred today at the Faculty of Philosophy. We figured out that he is an understudy at the Staff of Reasoning and that he ought to be at a talk in the structure on Celetna Road today at 2 p.m. We cleared the structure, which we finished at 2:22 p.m., and proceeded with the inquiry. At 2:29 p.m., the principal data about the shooting on Palač Square showed up. He stated that the emergency response team arrived on the scene in 12 minutes and received information at 15:20 that the shooter’s body had been discovered on the school building’s sidewalk.

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– Because of the staggering wounds supported by the suspect, we can’t affirm his character. The police spokesman stated that, based on the information I have, there ought to have been a suicide; however, the police also used official weapons.

Announced by M.M.C.
