Just loving Christmas

Just loving Christmas

I once wondered am I doing something wrong when I shop for Christmas presents because I often read how Christmas became a material holiday where people only think about buying gifts and not about religious matters. 

I get reminded that Christmas is a spiritual holiday and that presents aren’t the most important things in life. 

I agree with this but only partially. Why? 

We all want to cheer up our family, friends, show them that we think of them, and see the surprise on their faces … I love that feeling, and I like giving presents ten times more than receiving. 

Still, I think that presents don’t have to be excluded from this holiday. Yes, the times have changed, and yes, we often go overboard with them,  but I am the kind of person that gives presents all through the year, they just aren’t wrapped in shiny paper. 

I give the most important and most beautiful gift – my time.  

And I do it in a lot of forms and gestures: while my mother is baking cookies  I do some housework jobs for her so she could rest a little ; I help my colleagues and friends from work to finish the paperwork and research in time ; I buy groceries for my older neighbour because he has trouble walking. 

And I do this and much more throughout the whole year. 

I love Christmas and everything about it, the smells, the tree, and the church quire. I feel close to God the same as ever.  

But If I want to buy my precious kids, darling husband and a faithful friend  Christmas presents I don’t want somebody to frighten me with words like “consumerism” or “overrated”… 

I am a good person although I like the smiles on the faces of my loved ones when they open my gifts…It’s a beautiful memory for me… 

I have my Christmas, and there won’t be only gifts under the tree – there will be my love there too because I searched for the most significant gift, I took the time to buy it and I wrapped it with a big bow on the top. I did all that out of love…  

April Lee