It’s Time To Get Your Act Together Because She Won’t Be Waiting For You Much Longer

I know you’ve gotten used to this girl. And when I say you’ve gotten used to her, I don’t mean you just got used to her presence in your life. No—you’ve gotten used to everything she’s been giving you and I am not referring to her body here.
You’ve gotten used to this girl loving you, without you loving her back the way you should. You got used to her always being there for you, to having her support and loyalty, no matter what. You always knew that this girl was someone you could rely on, even if everyone else turned their backs on you. You knew she was the only one rooting for you, no matter what you did, the only one honestly enjoying your every success and the only one sharing all of your grief. This was the only girl who couldn’t be happy when you were sad and who always tried to make you smile. You knew she had been the only person in this world who loved you unconditionally, even when you least deserved it. The only one who believed in you, when no one else did and even when you stopped believing in yourself.