He Told Me I Was Fat And I Thank Him For That

I’ve always had a surplus kilogram. I know I’m not a skinny girl and that I have curves. I’m even more aware of it when someone tells me that as a joke. Okay, I like to joke on my account as the next person, but we don’t have to count how many cookies I’ve eaten every Christmas. The irony is that I don’t count as obese people. I have about ten kilograms more than I should, and I know it’s not an excuse or a beautification of reality.
Probably some of you will say that every obese person claims to have only about twenty extra pounds. But judging by these norms and the measurements of height and weight, figures show that I have from 15 to twenty extra pounds. I will not lie to anyone and say that I couldn’t lose my weight before. I certainly could, but I’m a big gourmand, and I admit it. If that’s my biggest sin – punish me for that. I regularly went to the doctor’s exams, and all my findings were great. I’m a healthy person, and that is the most important thing. At least I thought this was the most important thing until my boyfriend once said:
– Look at you! YOU ARE FAT!
I laughed. I didn’t get angry, and I took it as a good criticism. I told him that I was aware of that and that I would do something about it shortly. However, he had more bitter comments on my account every day. We went to a hotel that had a pool, and when I put on my swimsuit, he told me that he doesn’t want to go anymore there yet and that he is ashamed of my looks.
So, my boyfriend, the person I’ve been with for five years and the one I love more anything told me that HE IS ASHAMED OF ME.
He later told me that all the girls in the hotel were adorable and pretty. Mostly, good-humored criticism has grown into an insult. At that moment it would be most natural to get angry or to or cry, but I just told him:
Thank you for opening my eyes and noted that I must love myself.
I’ve placed myself last, and nobody is guilty of it, of course. But since today I LOVE MYSELF.
Thank you for showing me what is the person I love, too.
I’m sure that you have some great features, but I finally met your bad side. You don’t talk like that to a loved one. A well-liked person gives criticism and advice and support. YOU CANNOT BE ASHAMED OF YOUR LOVED ONE. YOU HAVE TO TALK ABOUT HER TO OTHER PEOPLE.
Thank you for showing me that my only imperfection is my extra weight.
And after a year he received a greeting card with my photo in a bikini, containing a message: