You Are Going To Lose Her If You Continue Treating Her Like This

You’ve had many girls in your life. They were all nice girls and most of them cared for you, but one of them stands out. It’s the only girl who has always been by your side, no matter what. Yes, other girls also tried to give you their support through life’s difficulties but she’s been the only one who completely understood you. Other girls tried to change you, but she’s been the only one who accepted you for who you really were. Other girls loved you, but only her love was unconditional.
And instead of appreciating it, you’ve been doing completely the opposite. You just assumed that this girl would always stay with you and that she would never leave your side, no matter what you do to her and no matter how awfully you treat her.
Well, let me tell you that you can’t be more wrong. It is true that she loves you like she never loved a man. It’s true that she is ready to forgive you for a lot and that she has been waiting for a long time for you to come to your senses. It’s true she is patient with you, but it doesn’t mean that her patience will last forever.
Because trust me—it won’t. Sooner or later, you’ll lose her and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.
You will lose her if you continue treating her like an option. Because this girl has always put you first and you never did the same. You’ve always treated her like she is not important to you and you were always putting everyone before her. And deep down, you know that this is the last thing this girl deserved. But trust me—she won’t be doing this for much longer. Soon, she will walk away from you for good and you’ll see how it feels disappearing from someone’s priority list.
You will lose her if you continue diminishing her value. Although you’ve made her insecure and you’ve made her wonder why she wasn’t enough, you and she both know her true value. But there will come a man who will think she is worthy. And when that man comes, she will see how badly you treated her and she will leave you in the blink of an eye.
You will lose her if you continue taking her for granted. I know that this girl has done a lot to prove her love for you. And with time, you’ve started thinking that this girl would always love you, despite the way you treated her. You’ve started taking her for granted and you’ve started thinking that there is nothing you could do to make her leave you. And that is where you are wrong. Because trust me, she’s had more than enough of your behavior. Because she’s had more than enough of you calling her only when you need her and expecting her to always be there for you, while you never did the same.
You will lose her if you continue leading her on. Ever since you’ve entered this girl’s life, the only thing you were doing was playing mind games with her. You’ve always been giving her just enough of yourself to keep her around and for her not to leave you, thinking that she wouldn’t notice your tactics. You never gave her your full self and you were never ready to commit to her. And she knows this, despite all the love she might feel for you. And that is something she won’t put up for much longer.
You will lose her if you don’t start appreciating her. Because this girl has invested a lot in your relationship and she’s made many sacrifices for your sake. And this is something that deserves respect, if nothing else. Let’s get one thing straight: this girl doesn’t need you to praise her. she doesn’t want expensive presents or fancy romantic gestures. She only wants appreciation and if you don’t give it to her, someone else will.
So please, change your ways in time. Because it will be too late to do anything once she gets tired. And trust me—she will. It’s just a matter the time.