It Was Never That Complicated…You Simply Didn’t Want To Make An Effort

How many times have we started something and stopped? How many times did you awaken my love just to cause me pain? How many times have you said that this time will be different? How many times have you made a promise and then taken it back shortly after? Let me tell you, way too many times and it’s time you stopped serving me lies. It’s time I stopped believing them.
I believed in all those fairy tales of wrong timing and how the world conspired to break us apart every time we were on the verge of making something work or stepping onto the next level. But the truth of the matter is it was never about those outside factors. It was always about you – your laziness and unwillingness to go an extra mile for us.
I will never fully understand you. Being with you was like dealing with two completely opposite personalities in one man. You had your sweet, kind and loving side. The side I preferred to listen to. The one that was telling me stories of our future together in such a vivid way with words of certainty and decisiveness.