She Left Because You Never Gave Her A Good Reason To Stay

There was this girl in your life. Not just any kind of girl. This girl was special. And she treated you as if you were special, even when you weren’t. She treated you like you were the center of her universe, like the most important person in the world. And you knew it very well. You knew that she wasn’t just your girlfriend, she was also your best friend and your family. She was your protector, your adviser and your rescuer. She was the only one who saw you at your worst but still thought you were the best. The only one who never left your side, the only one who always had your back and the only one who always believed in you. She was the only person in this world you knew you could count on and the only one who you could trust your life with. This girl was the only person who always saw the good in you, even when you didn’t deserve it. And most importantly, she loved you unconditionally, no matter what. She loved you even when you didn’t love her back and even when her love was the last thing you deserved.
And you knew this very well. And you thought that things would be like this forever. You were convinced that this girl’s love and presence were implied and you took them for granted. You thought you could treat her the way you liked, that you didn’t have to appreciate all the sacrifices she’d been making for you and that she would stay, despite your behavior. You thought that you didn’t have to put any effort into your relationship with her and you didn’t have to show her your love. You thought you didn’t need to give her any attention and that you didn’t have to make her feel loved and wanted.
And that was where you were wrong. I know you thought that this woman would always tolerate everything you’d been doing to her for years but it is obvious that you were mistaken.
Because she left you, didn’t she? And it is only now that you wonder why this has happened. How is it possible that she walked away from you and that she left you in the past? How is it possible that she has moved on with her life, as if you never existed?
Well, the truth is that she finally came to her senses. She finally opened her eyes and saw the real you, for the first time. She finally saw that you didn’t deserve her and that you will never do anything to change that.
And don’t think this was an easy decision for her. Because it was anything but that. But this was something she had to do. For a long time, she kept holding on to little tokens of your love, she kept hoping that you’d change and she accepted crumbs of your attention. But with time, you stopped giving her even that. With time, you stopped giving her any reason to stay. Instead, you gave her numerous reasons to walk away from you.
She left you because she saw that she was the only one trying, the only one putting any kind of effort into this relationship. Because she finally accepted that you never even tried to make this relationship work.
She left you because she finally realized that you would always treat her like one of your options, while she had always put you first.
She left you because she realized that you would never appreciate her true worth and that you would never see her true value. Instead, all you did all these years was put her down and try to diminish her worth, because that was the only way for you to feel better about yourself.
She left you because she finally saw that you were never there for her. Because she was ready to fight for you and even that wasn’t enough. Because you weren’t ready to lift a finger for the sake of your relationship, while she moved mountains for you.
She left you because you always treated her like you didn’t care about her and she finally believed you.
She left you because she gave up all hope that you would ever change and realize what you were losing.
She left you because she finally realized that you never loved her the way she deserved to be loved. And that you never will.
She left you because she knows that she can do better, despite everything you did to convince her that she should be lucky to have you.
She left you because you didn’t manage to destroy her.
No matter how absurd this may sound to you, she left you because she believes in love and because she knows that true love awaits her. And because she knows that what you were giving her was anything but true love.
She left you because you gave her no other option. Because she knows that this was the only way for her to save herself.