It Doesn’t Mean You Can Treat Me The Way I Don’t Deserve Just Because I Gave You A Second Chance

The moment I found out you were cheating on me was one of the most painful moments in my life. I was so disappointed in you and in your actions that I felt like my entire world collapsed in one minute. At first, I’ve started blaming myself. I kept thinking that I must have done something wrong. Maybe I didn’t love you enough? Or I didn’t show you enough affection? But then I realized—none of it was my fault. Because if you’d had any problems with me, you should have confronted me about them instead of chasing some other woman. I realized that you were just a jerk and that there was no excuse for your actions.
And I decided never to forgive you. When I come to think of it, I have to admit I kind of judged the women who took back the men who cheated on them. I thought they had no self-respect and I couldn’t imagine continuing to live with a man who betrayed me like that.
Until it happened to me.
In the beginning, I didn’t want to see your face. I was so mad at you that I was certain I would never give you the second chase you were begging to get. But you weren’t ready to give up on me so easily. You acted as if you were really sorry for doing what you did and for hurting me. You were showing honest regret and with time, my anger started to fade, without me even realizing it.
After months of you literally begging me to take you back, somehow I came to the conclusion that maybe you deserved a second chance. So I decided to give it another shot. It didn’t mean I forgot everything you did to me and it certainly didn’t mean that all the pain went away. It just meant I found the strength in myself to forgive you.
And, at first, you were the perfect man I fell in love with. You were constantly showing me that I was the only woman you wanted and the only one you could ever love. And I believed that you were really aware of your mistake because I wanted to believe it.
But lately, I’ve started feeling that you are going back to your old ways. Actually, sometimes it seems to me that you are treating me worse than before. I feel that you saw my second chance as a green light to behave the way you want. Instead of appreciating my forgiveness, you’ve started taking me for granted. You’ve stopped appreciating me because you’ve come to the conclusion that I would probably forgive you for everything, the same way I forgave you for cheating on me. I feel like you’ve stopped putting any effort into our relationship as if you think there is nothing you could do to make me stop loving you.
Well, let me tell you one thing—you can’t be more wrong. I gave you a second chance because I thought you really did change. And most of all, I took you back because I loved you and I wanted to believe that this time would be different. But that doesn’t mean I will allow you to treat me the way I don’t deserve.
Just because I forgave you for something, it doesn’t mean I forgot all about it. Don’t get me wrong—I am not expecting you to spend the rest of your life repenting what you did to me. It was my choice to take you back and I need to deal with the consequences of that choice.
I just don’t want you to think that you will be getting any more of these second chances. I don’t want you to treat me as less worthy just because I showed you how much I loved you and just because I decided to give our relationship another try. I don’t want you to think I will tolerate whatever you do to me just because I forgave you for your affair. I don’t want you to think I can’t live without you just because I forgave you for some things that perhaps I shouldn’t have.
I don’t know if you were trying so hard to prove your love for me just to have me back or all of it was true. But if you think you can’t treat me the way I deserve, if you think that you can’t appreciate and respect me and if you think that you can’t love me the way I love you, please let me go in time because I don’t want to go through another disappointment.