Don’t Be Surprised When One Day She Actually Walks Away

You really know how to make a girl feel special, don’t you? But unfortunately, not in a good way. You know how to make her feel like there is something wrong with her, like she’s different but in a bad way, like she’s missing something in life, something that would make you treat her right. You make her feel like no matter what she does, it’s never good enough for you. And doing that to someone who loves you unconditionally is so wrong.
Someone needs to break this to you, that your biggest mistake was thinking she’d be so lost without you that she’d rather stay in a relationship where her heart is broken each day anew than to choose to walk away and save herself.
It’s obvious she loves you. Why else would she put up with your mistreatment? Why else would she pretend like nothing is hurting her? Why else would she swallow all her pride and ask for just a little more time with you?
It’s obvious she wants to stay. Because she’s still there next to you after everything you’ve put her through. She still hasn’t really walked away even after all those times when you made her feel like she was irrelevant, like she didn’t matter and how she wasn’t good enough to be your priority.
But there is only so much pain and toxicity a person can endure before she either breaks or realizes she deserves better.
Yes, it’s true she’ll be lost without you. But this would only be for a while. She’d eventually find the way back to herself, you know. And at the end of the day, it’s better to lose yourself when trying to save yourself than it is to lose yourself because of settling for a toxic relationship. In the first scenario, you still have hope that the future will be brighter. In the second one, you don’t have that kind of hope.
Even if it hurts like hell, she’ll be better off without you because when all is said and done, you did nothing to deserve her. And yet she stuck by your side longer than anyone else did.
She’s been loyal to you and your relationship all this time. And she tried so hard. Many nights, she cried herself to sleep but she’d get up each morning like nothing happened the night before. I guess that’s one of the habits of women stuck in toxic relationships.
She never did anything selfish, it’s you who has been always her #1. And although your relationship wasn’t toxic right from the start, it eventually turned into one. It eventually turned into one of those relationships where there is only one person dragging the whole thing forward. And if you are not that person, you have no idea how emotionally draining that can be.
Only God and she knows what was going on in her head and her heart that convinced her to stay. I know it took a hell of a lot of strength to stay and fight for you but it also takes a lot of strength to walk away too. And even though you think she doesn’t have the guts for it, she’ll prove you otherwise.
Please don’t make another mistake by making the assumption that she’s a weak person. Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value but because we finally realize on our own.
Just because she kept coming back to you all those previous times, it doesn’t mean she’ll keep coming back forever. Eventually, she’ll realize she’s sticking by a man who’s doing nothing but breaking her heart.
You know, it might be hard for you to see this as a possibility but one day you’ll look around and you won’t find her next to you anymore. One day you’ll fall and she won’t be there to pick you up. One day you’ll break and she won’t be there to heal your wounds.
One day she’ll open her eyes. Don’t be surprised when she no longer needs you, as you taught her how to be alone. Don’t be surprised when she actually walks away. Because if you continue taking her for granted, she will walk away. Everybody eventually does.
The day when she walks away will be the day you’ll realize that whatever you have taken for granted will eventually be taken away. That’s when you’ll end up missing the most the person you least appreciated.