7 Obvious Signs You Are In An Unhappy Relationship (And How To Deal With It)

Relationships can sometimes be hard to handle because people in them change. It can be because of their job or circumstances but there can be some bumps in the road where two people don’t have the same idea of love. If you think that you are not happy with your relationship and you’re trying to find reasons to break up with your partner, here are some obvious signs that it is worse than you think. So, the best thing to do would be to stay away from the one who doesn’t make you happy and fulfilled.
1. You think that you would be happier without your partner
If you constantly think that you would be happier without your partner and you sometimes catch yourself thinking about other guys, that is a proven sign that you are unhappy with your current relationship. Deep down, you want to escape from the man you are living with because he doesn’t satisfy you at all and you don’t feel loved and desired. If you really want to get rid of this kind of relationship, you should sit down and openly talk to your man. If there is still some love left, you can try to refresh it but if there is nothing left you should let go of each other. That is the only way to be happy.
2. You feel down when you are with your partner
You somehow feel that you are no longer happy with your partner because every time you are alone with him, you don’t feel good. You feel so negative and down and you don’t have anything to talk about with him. You simply don’t feel good when you are with him but you don’t have any valid reason for that. The best thing to do here is to tell your man this because he may feel the same way but just keeps quiet because he thinks it will pass. If you talk to him about your feelings, maybe you can solve all your problems and live happily ever after.
3. You stay with your partner hoping that he will change
You are not happy in your relationship because you can’t remember when the last time you laughed was but you still stay with him. You think that he will change and that you are experiencing only a temporary crisis. If this lasts for a short time, then you should do everything you can to improve your relationship but if it continues happening over a long period of time, it is a sign that something is not right. You can always try to talk and make things better but if your other half doesn’t want that, your efforts will be in vain.
4. You stay with the wrong guy because you don’t want to be alone
Another obvious sign of an unhappy relationship is staying with your partner even if you are not happy, just because you don’t want to be alone. Whatever you do, don’t stay with the wrong one. It will be so hard to do all those things married people do and you won’t be able to even smile with him because there will be no more of the old spark. You see, sometimes it is better to be alone than in bad company. You need to let go of some things so that better ones can come into your life. As simple as that!
5. You stay with him because of the kids
I know that it is difficult to get a divorce if you have kids as it means being connected with someone you don’t want to be connected with for your whole life because of your kids. Staying with someone in a relationship just to make the kids feel good is always the wrong choice. Just imagine how they feel every time you and your partner fight or argue about something. Trust me, they don’t want to see or hear that so you better let go of the things that make you sad and find your happiness somewhere else.
6. You feel like you have to respect your partner’s wishes
Respect is one of the most important things in a relationship but if you are the only one who respects the other, then something is not right. If you can’t make compromises about some things, that is not a healthy relationship but a toxic one. And whatever you do, you need to save yourself from that kind of atmosphere because no matter how much you fight it, you won’t be able to endure it all. If there is no respect or love there is nothing you can do about it. You can just leave and hope that your partner will realize what he had after he loses you.
7. You don’t want to have sex with him
If you don’t want to initiate sex and the thought of your partner making love to you makes you want to throw up, something is not right. Couples who are in love always want to have sex because that is their way of showing emotions to each other. But in case you don’t feel like this anymore, there is a problem. You should take some time for yourself and if that feeling doesn’t go away after a while it means that you no longer feel good living with your man. The best thing to do is to try to save your relationship with couples counseling or just by talking but if that fails, you will know that it is already over and that it will be in vain to try to do anything about that.