16 Effective Ways To Make Him Worry About Losing You

Relationships can sometimes be hard to handle, especially if you are with someone who is not ready to change his mind because of you. Many women are taken for granted by their long-term partners just because they are good to them. Guys probably think that a good wife will always be good but they are so wrong. Even the best wives will explode at some point and decide to give up on everything they have been fighting for. But before that, they will probably try to get revenge on those awful husbands or boyfriends who took them for granted for such a long time.
Now, you might be wondering if there are any ways to make your man worry about losing you, right? Well, there sure are. If you want to know how to make him worry about losing you, you can follow some of these tips. They can help you to succeed with your plan and to show your man what he will lose if he continues behaving like he does.
1. Make him worry about losing you by not being available
If you want to indirectly show your man that he will lose you if he continues behaving badly, you can act like you are unavailable to him. Don’t be there when he needs you and live your life just like you have always dreamed of. Don’t tell him so much about your life and your friends and let him guess what you have been doing in your spare time. If you continue behaving like that for a longer period of time, he will realize that something is not right and he will try to make you happy. In that way, you will make him think about you more and he will definitely try harder to make your life better.
2. Talk about future plans he is not included in
If you tell your man that you are going with your friends to some interesting place for the weekend, he will ask himself what you will be doing with them. Add a little bit more spice to the whole story by telling him that there will be both boys and girls from your office and that you are planning to have a barbecue near a river. It will make him wonder why he is not invited and he will constantly be thinking about if any of those guys will try something with you. He knows that at parties like that there tends to be a lot of alcohol so he will be worried that you will cheat on him. This will be his wake-up call and it will show him that you have your life and your friends and that your happiness doesn’t depend on him.
3. Don’t answer his messages right away
Girl typing on her phone
Guys get tired of clingy and needy girlfriends at very short notice. So, if you want to make him worry about losing you, don’t answer his phone calls or his messages right away. Let him wait a little bit because he will respect you more after you do that. He will see that you are not available every time he thinks of you and that he needs to go the extra mile if he wants to keep you in his life. If you continue doing this you will see that your relationship will improve. And remember that once you change your attitude, things in your life will change for the better as well.
4. Surprise him with new sex moves
Here is the deal: If you want to know how to make him worry about losing you, try to make some changes in the bedroom. If you do that he will think: “Where did she learn all this?” and he will be surprised by how well you are doing it at the same time. And then in the blink of an eye, you will catch him thinking about something he won’t want to reveal. If you ask him why he is being so distant he will just deny it and he will change the topic. But in fact, he will be wondering if you learned all those moves with another man and that feeling will eat him alive. Congratulations, because you just made him think about you and his behavior lately. And once he realizes that he made a mistake and that he neglected you, he will try to change his behavior and to make you a happy and fulfilled woman.
5. Pamper yourself
In order to make him worry about losing you, do some good things for yourself. If you gained a couple of pounds, start going to the gym to make yourself feel better. You will make him wonder why all of a sudden you want to look good again and once you look like a Victoria’s Secret Angel when you finish your workout, that will make him never, ever take his eyes off of you. He will feel bad about taking you for granted and he will try to be a better man to you. Make sure that you do something like this as soon as you see that your relationship is not the same as before. If you wait for a long time to show him that he should change and that he will lose you if he doesn’t, it might be too late.
See also: Single Girl Bucket List – It’s Time To Pamper Yourself
6. Flirt in front of him
If you want to make your man worry about losing you, do some sneaky things in order to show him that you also have other options. When a good-looking guy walks by you, look him deep in his eyes and check him out but make sure that your partner sees that. It will make him feel jealous and he will think that another man is a threat to him. It gets even better if a random man approaches you and offers to buy you a drink, as that will make your guy want to explode but that is a lesson he has to learn for treating you like you didn’t deserve. It will be enough to do this only once to him because he won’t think that he owns you anymore. He will realize that another man would treat you better and that he should go the extra mile if he wants to keep you in his life.
7. Stop being clingy
If you act all clingy and needy, your man won’t ever miss you. He will take you for granted and he will think that you will always be there for him. So if you want to make him worry about losing you, don’t be needy and don’t seek his attention all the time. Show him that you can have fun without him and that you don’t need him to complete you. When you do that, your man will see that you are not the woman you used to be and that there is a chance that you leave him if he doesn’t treat you right. By doing this, you will get what you want and your man will see that you are stronger than he thought you were.
8. Try to be more distant
Who says that love shouldn’t be a little bit wicked? If something will help you reach your goal, then go for it. If you see that your man is acting rude or that he is not interested in you anymore, try some tricks that will make him change his mind. Acting distant will always help because he will wonder what else could be in your head other than him. If he asks you if everything is okay with you, just tell him that everything is fine and continue doing what you are doing. That will show him that you are not interested in him like before and that he has to work hard to bring your love back.
9. Don’t please him all the time
If you teach your man that as long as you are there everything will be just fine, he will eventually start taking you for granted. So, whatever you do, don’t please him by giving him everything that he wants. You also have the right to enjoy your life and to do things that make you happy. Don’t put him first because he is not worthy of it. If he was, he wouldn’t have done this to you. You need to know that men will take advantage of you if you let them and the better you are with them, the worse they will be with you. So, be a bitch for a change and give him restrictions. After you do that, he will see that you are not fooling around and that you are serious. That will make him change his mind and he will do his best to please you for a change.
10. Have your own friends
Go out with friends that are only yours. You don’t have to share everything with him because you are already sharing a lot. If you go out with your friends while he stays at home, he will start thinking about if you are having a good time with them, which will make him worry about losing you and he will change his mind and his behavior as well. What is the bottom line here? You need to make moves like this not to hurt your man but to show him that you can survive without him as well. It will be good for your relationship and it will make you two learn that it takes a lot of sacrifice for good things to happen.
11. Be independent
Portrait of a young woman by the window
If you show your man that you are a strong and independent woman, he will look at you differently. But if you are clingy and needy all the time, he will definitely take you for granted. It will just be a sign to him that you will always be there no matter what he does. So, whatever you do, don’t do that and instead try to look like an independent woman as much as you can. Every guy loves when he is dealing with a strong, badass woman and not with a woman who will need his approval for everything she does. Show him that you don’t need a man to complete you and that you can handle things on your own. This attitude will make him think twice about the woman he has next to him and he will wish to keep you forever.
12. Be seductive
If you want to make your man worry about losing you, do all the possible and near-impossible tricks to show him that you are worthy and that guys are just waiting in line to be with you. If you put on some nice and sexy clothes he will probably be scared that you have another man in your life and that you are getting dressed like that because of him. It will make him think about you as a person and everything that you can offer in a relationship. Hopefully, he will realize that he has been neglecting you all this time and that it is about time to stop doing that and to give you the love you deserve. You will see a change in his behavior as soon as you start playing these kinds of games and it will definitely make him want you more. Sometimes you need to be a little bit wicked to get what you want, right?
13. Be yourself
Don’t let him treat you like you don’t deserve and no matter what happens, be yourself. Do things that you want and never feel sorry for that. He needs to understand that he has no control over your life and that it will be your way if you want it. If you show him that you are not easy to handle, he will see that he has to go the extra mile to please you and that you can easily find another man if you wanted to. Show him that you have so much to offer a man, all the way from your physical appearance to the way you think or behave. Show him that he will never find a woman like you, no matter how much he seeks her. Make him want you even more and to feel bad for mistreating you.
14. Don’t be his second option
If he made some plans with his friends and they canceled at the last minute, don’t be available for him. Show him that you respect yourself and that you won’t be his second choice. If you really want to make him worry about losing you, you need to play this game in a clever and tricky way. It will make him think more about you and he will like the woman he is with because you care about yourself. You just don’t want to be there every time he needs you as you yourself never see what it feels like to be taken care of. If you let your guy think that you are available all the time he will definitely take you for granted. Maybe he doesn’t want that but all his actions speak differently. So, be strong in your beliefs and never settle for less than you deserve.
15. Post fun photos with your friends on Facebook
Young people having fun at pool party
This is a nice way to show your man that you are having a good time even when he is not around. Post a lot of photos on your social media sites of you with your friends to show him that he is not the most important person in your life. If you want to avoid a fight with him, you can post a couple of photos of you with him but make sure that you post more of those with your friends. That will make him worry about losing you because he will think that you don’t need him to be happy. If he is an over-thinker, he will think that you already have another man in your life and that you don’t want to be with him anymore. Even though this trick is easy to do, make sure that you do all the other things to provoke him to think about you more. If you make a good plan, it will definitely work out. Guys don’t think about love and romance as much as us, so you need to remind them from time to time that they could lose you if they don’t wake up.
16. Don’t be interested in his stories too much
If you want to make him worry about losing you, show him that he is not as interesting as before. Show him that you don’t enjoy his stories as much and that you have better things to do. When he is saying something to you, take your phone and check it, while you look at him from time to time. He will wonder what is more interesting than him on your phone and that feeling will eat him alive. He will wonder if he has a rival, so he will want to find out if you have another man in your life. This is an old trick but it always works, so go ahead and spice up your relationship a little bit more!