This Is Why I’m Happy You Let Me Go

This Is Why I’m Happy You Let Me Go

When we met, I thought you were the one for me. We instantly clicked and every move I made with you felt just right. Whenever you touched or kissed me, I had the feeling you will be doing it for the rest of your life. Every time I saw you, I had butterflies in my stomach just like before the first time we went out together.

I liked that feeling of being yours, even though it lasted for a short time.

You made me feel free and safe. I knew that no one and nothing can touch me. I knew that your arms were the safest place for me to be in. When I was with you, I would forget all the troubles I had. You and I created our own world far away from life, far away from reality.

Unfortunately, that reality didn’t last for long. That heavenly kingdom you took me to, kicked me in the back and threw me out. It wasn’t my reality anymore.

I knew that I shouldn’t fall for you the way I did, but the heart does not choose. The heart is not rational. The heart does what the heart pleases. Mine did the same thing. Mine fell helplessly in love with you—much more than it should have.

And my heart got burnt. It bled so hard that I had no strength left in me. I wanted to fight to heal but I just couldn’t. At that time, you letting me go was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. I was hurt and lonely.

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I spend my days cursing you and the moment we met. I had no idea why all of a sudden you decided we are not something you want. I couldn’t comprehend how it all turned from a beautiful fairy tale to a tragedy. I wanted to get answers. I even tried to calm myself down and find the solution, to see where I went wrong.

But after beating myself up I realized that you leaving me doesn’t have to be the worst thing that has ever happened to me. You leaving me opened my eyes and it left a lot of new doors for me to open. You gave me a new shot at happiness. You gave me a new chance to love again.

You weren’t the right man for me and no matter how hard I wanted you to be, you never could. I know I have someone waiting for me, someone who will love me the way I deserve to be loved, someone who can’t wait to see me and talk to me, someone who has been waiting for me my whole life like I was waiting for him.

Thank you for giving me that chance. Thank you for letting me go.

Thank you for everything you’ve taught me. You are probably not aware you gave me this beautiful gift. You probably have no idea you taught me to respect and love myself. You taught me to care enough for myself not to cling on to something that is never going to happen. I finally know that I need to respect myself and let go of the things that aren’t right for me.

Thank you for bringing my self-worth back. I’ve realized I’m so much more than a bunch of your unanswered texts. I’m worth so much more than spending the night in expectation you’ll text me or call me to say you love me and you want to make things right. I deserve much more than sitting around and praying for you to come back and give us a second chance. I’ve realized I don’t deserve all the tears I spilled in the shower or when no one was looking.

Thank you for hurting me. Thank you for making me suffer because that is the only way to get even stronger. Thank you for tossing me to the bottom of the pit, leaving me to cope on my own. Thank you for breaking the last bone in my body because now when they’ve healed and now when I have stood up again, I’m the strongest woman you’ll ever find. Thank you for making me realize that you can do what is not in your power. You can’t make someone be with you. You can’t them to be happy with you, even if you are.

No matter what you do, you can’t make someone stay if they don’t want to.

And finally, thank you for letting me go. Thank you for setting me free because I’m finally happy. I’m not happy because of you or because I’m going to meet someone else, no. I’m happy for myself. I’m happy because I got back all the things I lost when I was with you.

And when someday I meet another man, he will be thanking you, too. He will thank you for letting me go because if you didn’t, he would have never have met me and I would have stayed in a relationship that was never meant for me. He would never have the chance to be proud of me, to cherish me and hold me in his arms never wanting to let go.

Don’t think that I hate you and that I want you to experience the pain you’ve put me through. I don’t want anyone to feel what I felt and to climb out of that dark pit where I sat for so long. I know that destiny has its way and unfortunately, I’m sure you’re going to get yours, but I’m not happy about that.

I want you to have a nice life and to find someone who is meant for you. I want you to succeed in everything you’ve been planning now that I’m out of the picture, that I’m not distracting you anymore. Go on, be the best version of yourself, but be careful because there is a lot of damage you’ve caused in the past and it could easily backfire on you.

And if someone does the same thing to you as you did to me, remember: bad things don’t last. Your happiness is always going to come back. But, only if you let it.
