This Is What Will Happen When He Finally Makes You A Priority

This Is What Will Happen When He Finally Makes You A Priority

Let me tell you that if he really did love you, you wouldn’t even have to wait. You would be the only person in his life and he wouldn’t have eyes for anyone else in this world but you. He would have made you a priority right away if he really did love you. But he doesn’t. No matter what he says, no matter how many times he kissed you, if he doesn’t make you a priority then he doesn’t love you.

It’s not worth the fight and the pain and the numerous tears that are wetting your pillow. It’s not worth it to wait for someone to see how amazingly important, lovable and caring you are if they aren’t able to see it right away.

Please do yourself a favor and don’t wait for him to finally make you a priority. Instead of waiting for him to do that, put yourself first and leave. Leave because he doesn’t deserve you. He never will.

Someone will come into your life and put you first from the moment he lays eyes on you. He will make you forget about all those times you were just an option to someone and he will help you remember your own worth. Believe me. This man is worth the wait, unlike someone else.
