This Is What Will Happen When He Finally Makes You A Priority

This Is What Will Happen When He Finally Makes You A Priority

When he finally makes you a priority he will apologize. He will apologize for all those times he wasn’t there for you when you needed him and he will repeat it more times than you are ready to hear that he’s actually sorry, when he realizes how heartbroken you have been all this time, waiting for him to finally see how much you loved him and how much you will love him.

When he finally makes you a priority your heart is going to heal. Your chest won’t ache that much anymore and you won’t have to cry yourself to sleep at night, wondering where he is and why he isn’t with you at that particular moment.

When he finally makes you a priority you will see that all that waiting paid off. All those tears and all those attempts to try and talk to him were there to show him how in love you were with him and that you were ready to work your differences out to the point where you would be happy together.
