This Is Everything You Need To Know About Taking A Break In A Relationship
Sometimes, there comes a time in a relationship when things are simply not going as well as they used to, no matter how hard you try to make it work. Although breaking up has crossed your mind, you are very much aware that this person still means too much to you to just walk away from them. Although you think your relationship is something worth fighting for, you can’t stand the constant negativity and tensions you are surrounded with. You feel like you are at a crossroads and you are scared you’ll regret it if you break things off for good but you are also sure you will suffer if you stay in this relationship that has sadly become too toxic for you to handle. You just don’t know what to do and you don’t see a way out that would be good for both of you.
Therefore, you’ve considered taking a break. But you know it is a risky thing to do. You don’t know if things will be the same after the break or if your relationship is strong enough to handle some time apart.
Let’s get one thing straight—taking a break can be the best or the worst thing you can do to your relationship. The outcome of it only depends on your and your partner’s ability to play this right. It also depends on your willingness to save the relationship and of the maturity of you both.
If you consider taking a break, both you and your partner need to be honest about it. It means that both of you need to say what it is that you really want and what it is that you expect from this relationship. Do you really just want some time apart or are you just not brave enough to call it quits?
Also, if you decide to take a break, it is crucial for both partners to really want it. A break should never happen if one of the partners simply doesn’t have a choice and just wants to keep the other person in their life at any cost. Taking a break should always be a mutual decision and something you both agree on. You two should also agree on the terms of this potential break. It means that you need to agree if it’s OK to see other people while you are not together and if you’ll stay in touch during this period.
While taking a break can be beneficial for your relationship and it can help you see that you don’t want to lose the other person, it can also show you that it’s better to break things off for good. Sometimes, we need to take a step back and be alone with our thoughts, so we can determine what is best for us.
Remember—taking a break should never be an excuse for seeing other people. It shouldn’t serve as an opportunity to explore other options; you should take this time to think things through regarding this relationship and this person. If you want to take a break just to see what is out there without being ready to give up on the person next to you just yet, know that what you are doing is wrong and dishonest. By doing this, you are just giving the other person false hope and you are turning them into your safety net and into someone you can go back to if nothing else works out.
Taking a break is a bad idea if you expect it to change you or your partner. Yes, this period can help you two appreciate one another but it will definitely not change the essence of your personalities and that is something you shouldn’t expect. Even if you see your partner as a new man again in the beginning, trust me—he’ll go back to his old ways in no time.
Either way, taking a break is something serious and you should see it that way. It is an important step in every relationship which will probably determine its future. If you decide to take a break and if you and your partner go back to each other after it, it is a clear sign that your relationship is strong enough to handle all obstacles. On the other hand, it is also possible for a break to show you that the two of you are simply not meant to be together.