The Strongest Girls Are Those Who Refuse To Settle

The Strongest Girls Are Those Who Refuse To Settle

There is something magical and mesmerizing in seeing a girl aware of her worth. There is something more than amazing in seeing a girl who knows what she wants and a girl who doesn’t plan to settle for less than she deserves. That’s why the strongest girls are those who refuse to settle.

What you probably don’t know is that girls who refuse to settle do go on dates. They are not afraid of dating, they love exploring their options and they actually put themselves out there. They’re not locked inside hiding from men. There isn’t anything wrong with them. The catch is they’ll continue exploring their options for as long as it is needed until they find what they’re searching for.

You might think that they are picky and that they have too high of a standard and all this is the reason why they stayed single for a large gap of time. But you see, you’re wrong. Because girls who refuse to settle aren’t picky—they’re simply aware of what they deserve. They know what they bring in a relationship and they want to get back at least as much as they’re ready to give. As I said, it has nothing to do with being picky.

These girls who refuse to settle are brave. They are brave because they have an incredible amount of courage to wait. It takes a lot of courage to wait for something you’re not even sure you’ll get to begin with. But they still choose to wait. They still choose to have faith and they choose to believe that destiny has something special prepared for them.

You know why else they are the strongest out of all the girls out there? It’s because they are ready to turn a man down no matter how handsome, successful or funny he is if it doesn’t feel right. They’ll always choose to follow their inner feelings and no matter what this guy has to offer them, if they don’t feel right or good about him, they won’t stay.

The catch with these girls is that they don’t want a relationship that isn’t going anywhere. And a relationship in which they don’t feel right isn’t something that promises a bright future. They don’t want to be with a guy just so they wouldn’t be single. They understand that it’s better to be single and happy than with someone with whom you have no future or with someone who makes you feel miserable.

This kind of girl sets an example of how each of us should live our lives. They show us that we should stick to our beliefs no matter what. They show us that it’s possible to feel so good about yourself and that it’s possible to feel whole even when you don’t have your ‘other half’. These girls trust their gut instincts and they never allow themselves to be caught in a toxic relationship. You know why? Because the minute someone starts mistreating them, they pack their things and go.

And you know what else is amazing about them? They are not afraid of other people’s opinions. They don’t care if others will judge them, if they will be called off. They won’t ever settle just to make others shut up. They’ll walk through their life single and proud until they find what they’ve been looking for without ever losing a second of their sleep to what others think.

This kind of girl defies all the norms. They hate standards other people set up and they are never followers. They won’t date someone just because they look good together; they won’t marry just because it’s time to do so. Once the feeling is right, they won’t run away from settling down with the right guy, but until the right guy comes along, they’ll be the ones right for themselves.

That’s where their strength lies—in not obeying the rules others try to impose. In not choosing the people other people expect them to but going for what they want and what they deserve. In not breaking under the pressure of society. In not being afraid to stay single as long as it takes. In saying no.

And you know what else? This kind of girl ends up the happiest too. Because eventually, they get what they’ve been waiting for. They get what they wanted. They get what they deserve. In the end, life gives them what everyone else told them they’ll never get. Eventually, all their efforts turn out to be worth it.

“When you truly want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho
