Partake in the recipe for a merry exquisite cake with 3 distinct fillings.

Flavorful cakes are a genuine motivation for housewives and we generally set them up for festivities or New Year’s days off. What’s more, since special times of year are around the bend, now is the right time to ponder the recipes that will enhance your happy table this year. We present to you a fascinating flavorful puff baked good cake with three unique fillings, which will prevail upon you at the principal chomp.


1 kg of puff cake
3-4 leeks
4 bubbled eggs
2 bubbled carrots
2 cloves of garlic
200 g of cream cheddar
100 g mayonnaise
1 container of fish


Carry out the puff cake with a folding pin and cut it into 5 equivalent parts. Grind the cooked carrot in a bowl, add squashed garlic, somewhat salt and add 2 spoons of mayonnaise. In another bowl, grind bubbled eggs and blend in with a spoonful of mayonnaise. In the third bowl, squash the fish, along with the fat from it. Put one sheet of puff baked good on a serving plate. Spread it with mayonnaise and spread with half of the fish. Then, at that point, the subsequent batter and the carrot filling. Spread the third hull with mayonnaise and put the bubbled egg filling. Spread the fourth covering with mayonnaise, then put the leftover fish. Cover with the fifth hull. Wrap the whole cake along with the plate in straightforward foil. Place a plate and some weighty item what’s more and leave it in the ice chest for a couple of hours or short-term. At the point when you take it out, spread it with cream cheddar and embellish with the slashed puff baked good that you “skipped” and hacked leeks.
