It’s Not Real If You Have To Question His Feelings

It’s Not Real If You Have To Question His Feelings

Ever since you met this guy, you ask yourself if this is the real deal. You keep wondering if this is the true love everybody keeps telling you about and you always expected to have.

You are certain of one thing and that is your love toward him. This is something you have no doubt about and something you are willing to bet on with your life. You love this man like you’ve never loved anyone in your life and you are pretty sure you could never love someone this much again. There is nothing you wouldn’t do for him. You are ready to take the entire world’s weight on your shoulders for his sake and you think you could literally move mountains if he asked you to. You are ready to make all the necessary sacrifices and take on all of life’s challenges just to be with him. You are not afraid to fight anything and anyone just for things between the two of you to work out.

You would choose this guy over everyone else in your life, over your friends and family and especially over any other guy on the planet. And most importantly, you would choose him over yourself. He is always a priority for you and that is something you don’t have a problem with. You are never too busy or too tired to help him or just to hear him out. There is nothing this man could do to make you stop loving him and there is nothing that could make you betray him. You always have his back and you are glad he knows he can rely on you.

But lately, you’ve been noticing that he doesn’t treat you the same way that you treat him. You’ve been noticing that you appear to be the only one putting in all the effort.

And when you come to think about it, things aren’t like this just lately—they’ve been like this since day one, you just somehow didn’t see it. Or you refused to see it? Either way, this guy’s efforts never matched yours and his love never matched yours. And it’s time for you to admit this to yourself, as much as it hurts.

While you were always putting him first, you were at the bottom of his priority list. While you were always by his side, right there to catch him if he fell, he was never there to help you pick up your broken pieces. While your feelings were always transparent and never questionable, you could never be sure of his love for you.

You could never rely on this man 100%. You always questioned the intensity of his feelings and the honesty of his intentions. You wanted him to love you the same way you loved him so you sometimes even lied to yourself that this was true. But deep down, you knew how things were.

And all of this makes you wonder if this is how true love should really look. Is this the best you could get?

And I am here to tell you that the answer to both of your questions is negative. No, this is not how true love should really look. And no, this is not the best you could hope for.

Deep down, you always knew you were the one who cared more. You knew that this man was someone who could never give you the love you deserved. You never knew where you stood with this guy and you never felt peaceful around him and that is the harsh truth you have to accept, despite all the pain it might be causing you.

And you need to accept that this is not real love. Because if it was, you would never have to beg for his attention. If this was real love, you wouldn’t have to be the one doing all the work. Instead, he would match your efforts and sacrifices.

If this was true love, you would never have to question his feelings. Instead, you would be certain of his love the same way he is certain of yours.
