It Was Never That Complicated…You Simply Didn’t Want To Make An Effort

It Was Never That Complicated…You Simply Didn’t Want To Make An Effort

Let’s be honest—it was all bullshit. They were the excuses to cover-up the fact that you were an emotionally unavailable player who was not ready to commit. You would much rather play games and keep me close, but not too close, so you can drop into my life when it best suits you without even bothering to make a real effort.

The only efforts you made were those manipulative ones that were supposed to soften my already soft heart and make me forgive you for everything. They were always short-termed and filled with false promises and unrealistic stories. I don’t know if I ever believed you or I wanted to, so badly, that I would let things be and let you back in.

You see things were never that complicated. If you really cared about me you would move mountains to be with me. There wouldn’t be anything in your way because you would be sure and determined to make things happen between us.

You would never make promises you couldn’t keep. You would never awaken my love without any intention of staying. You would never tell stories. You would show me how much you care by using actions and by putting in immense efforts—the same efforts I was making for you, with the same patience, the same strength, the same understanding. But you never could do that and although it hurts deep down, I know it’s for the best.
