I Thought You Cared For Me But Obviously I Was Wrong

I Thought You Cared For Me But Obviously I Was Wrong

I thought you were ready to compromise,but it turned out you were just another selfish asshole. I thought you were someone who was ready to meet my needs and to meet me halfway, someone who understood how mature relationships worked. But in the end, you showed me that you were only a self-centered egomaniac who did only the things that suited him. You showed me that you were only looking out for your own interests, instead of doing everything for the sake of our relationship, the way I did. You showed me that my well-being was never important to you and that you never took into consideration my emotions and how your actions affected me or our relationship.

I thought you were going to treat me as your priority but it turned out I was just one of your options. From the moment we met, you tried very hard to convince me that I was becoming the most important person to you in the world and that nothing and nobody could be more important than me. But after a while, I started noticing that I was falling down your priority list. All of a sudden, everything and everybody became more important than me. All of a sudden, our plans would be rescheduled and you were always too busy to hear me out or to see me. At the same time, you acted like you always had to be my first choice and you expected me to always put you first.
