I Finally Realized We Were Never Gonna Be Anything More Than ‘A Thing’

I Finally Realized We Were Never Gonna Be Anything More Than ‘A Thing’

I wanted commitment so badly that I missed the signs he was not ready to commit. Honestly, I’m no longer sure whether the problem was in his inability to commit or if it was more his unwillingness. Either way, I figured I was waiting to get something from him he never intended to give me. He was never ready to give himself completely to our ‘relationship’, he was never ready to cross others off his list, he was never willing to make it just about the two of us.

His efforts, his time, his heart never belonged to me, I was never his priority.

It took me a while to realize how stupid I was.

I believed it was his past that had made him emotionally unavailable. I was convinced that because of his past I needed to work a bit harder to win him over. But the harder I tried, the more I realized that I was trying in vain.
