I Am Jealous Because Someone Will Make You Happier Than I Did

I Am Jealous Because Someone Will Make You Happier Than I Did

For a long time, I was convincing myself you loved me and even if you didn’t, that you eventually would. And God knows how much I fought for your love. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to make you love me. But nothing was enough. You don’t love me, never did and never will.

At least, not the way I would like you to love me.

I am not saying you were always completely indifferent towards me and maybe you even loved me in your own way, but the fact is that you never loved me for real. I know you tried very hard to love me, but you could never make yourself do that. And that is a fact I have to deal with and something I have to learn to live with, the same way I have to learn to live without you.

This is something I am slowly growing to accept. And something I don’t blame you for anymore.
