How To Get Rid Of Stress : 3 Ways

How To Get Rid Of Stress : 3 Ways

Some people react very violently when they are doing things under pressure or when they can’t make it in time. On the other hand, there are always those who seem to be very relaxed in all situations. I, sadly, was never the second type. I was always stressing over things that are getting out of control.  


I am making a party, people cancel their reservations, and I go crazy. It drove me mad and I think that I even had a few nervous breakdowns, not even knowing about them. It doesn’t matter how many people tell me to calm down; it doesn’t work on me. I am just a person of the kind, what can I do about it? 


I am sure someone may have thought this about themselves too. When you are sitting in your living room and you are nervous because of your upcoming exam, your sister is sitting by you, on a couch, reading a book, although she has two of them tomorrow. 


Some people are prone to panic, some not. However, if we want to save ourselves and our health, we have to change the way we deal with things. 


It doesn’t matter how much impact does the thing have on you; there are a few several tricks that help even the most nervous people out there: 



Sounds like a stereotype, but walking helps much more than we think it does. We don’t even understand how much it helps. During those moments when we would love to talk about irrelevant things and tell your problems to someone else (not in a pleasant way), it’s better to talk a walk and just go out of the house. You can walk how much you want, but at least an hour would be recommendable to clear your head up. 


It’s even better if you run. I know, I know… I am not the type to do that myself since I prefer eating candy in front of a TV rather than going to the gym, so I later end up being even more depressive when I see my weight. It’s best to walk alone. In those moments we have conversations with our own selves, and we solve the situation step by step. When you come back home, you will see that you aren’t as nervous. 




The most wonderful thing in the world is shutting down your alarm. Sometimes the sleep we get after it is the best one we ever had (as we feel) since the bed seems to be more comfortable (as we imagine to ourselves). But, you should GET UP! There is a small trick that helped me to get up in the morning. I used to set the alarm on my phone and just turn it off in the morning, but I switched to the big clock in my room and I have to get up in order to shut it down. Once you get up – that’s about it. For real, when we get up, we have much more time and we can do things that we didn’t even think of since we got up earlier than usual. You will both be happier and more organized and therefore you won’t stress as much saying: “I CAN’T MAKE IT IN TIME!” 




This is the hardest and the most efficient way to fight stress. What do we even stress about? About a bus that is late and we won’t make it in time to the city? What now? You can’t make your own, can you? There are only two options” stay calm and wait for the bus or stress about it while waiting (which ruins your health). 


From this perspective, we can always choose the second option. So let it be in our minds the next time when we will be stressing about something irrelevant. 


April Lee