If Your Guy Does These 10 Things, You Have A Chance With Him

2. He always texts you first.
If he is the one who always texts you first it means that he wants to hear from you and know how you are doing. That is a sign that he is interested and that you have a chance with him. No man will contact a woman if he is not interested in her so you should consider yourself lucky for having someone who actually cares about you.
3. He is interested in your past love life.
If your guy is interested in your past love life it means that he wants to know what kind of men you used to date. He wants to know more about you so he can be closer and find out what makes you happy and what it is that you don’t like. But if you are not comfortable with sharing your past with someone you have just met, don’t do it. If he truly cares about you, he will wait for you to open up.