How To Make A Guy Chase You Using Male Psychology? 18 Ways To Success

4. Don’t have sex with him right away
The worst thing that you could do is to have sex with the man on a first date. If he gets what he wants on a first date, he will totally lose interest over you. So, if you want to make a guy chase you, just tell him that you are still not ready for that step and that you want to get to know him better. When he hears those words from your mouth, he will consider you a real catch and he won’t give up on you so easily. He will go an extra mile to win you over and he will think that you are a high-value woman he will never want to dump.
5. Focus on your happiness
There isn’t a better way to make a guy chase you than to focus on yourself. If you show him that you are happy with the circle of people you have in your life and that you don’t need a man to complete you, it will make any guy willing to chase you. Also, it is scientifically proven that guys have more respect for girls who have their own lives and who are happy with themselves. If a girl is clingy and needy, it will be a big red flag sign that she will be like that in a relationship as well—and that is not what guys look for nowadays.
6. Learn to flirt
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Guys simply adore women who flirt. Period. That is something that drives men crazy and rocks their worlds at the same time. They think that a woman who can flirt will also be good in bed and that she will know how to satisfy a man. So, if you want to make a guy chase you using male psychology, just flirt from time to time. If you like a guy, be subtle, start eye contact and smile in a charming way. If he reciprocates in the same way, it means that he likes you and that he would like to get to know you better. Mission completed, right?
7. Let him know that you have other options
The most common mistake women make is that they stick to one man and they don’t let go. Well, if he sees that you are glued to him all the time, he surely won’t be so interested in you. That’s why you should let him know that he has some heavy competition and that you have other choices as well. Flirt with other guys in front of him and have fun with them while he is near. Make sure that he sees that he is not the only man in your life and that he has to fight for you if he wants to call you his girlfriend.