9 MAJOR Red Flags That Show Your Relationship Is Over

9 MAJOR Red Flags That Show Your Relationship Is Over

We all want to have a special someone in our life, someone who’s going to make an effort and show us affection and appreciate us. The worst part about it all is when the man who you thought was going to be your ‘’forever person’ is actually anything but that. You don’t feel loved anymore and the answer has been right in front of you, but you someone needed to point out that maybe it’s time to break up? If you want to make sure that the love between you has disappeared, make sure to continue reading and see if you’ve been experiencing these huge, red flags in your relationship.

1. You pick fights
It’s OK if you have an argument every once in a while, but if you see that not a day can go by without you two yelling at each other, you have a problem. Arguments are fine, because you get to see a different side of your partner and you see what they like or dislike in your behavior and so on. But picking a fight over simple things doesn’t serve any purpose and doesn’t contribute to the relationship and is a huge, red flag that you might want to sit down and talk everything through. You should be happy in a relationship, not miserable.

2. You rarely have sex
It’s not just about sex, it’s about physical touch in general. You don’t hold hands that often anymore, you don’t hug that much and you simply aren’t physically intimate with each other any longer. Sex also includes being affectionate and pleasing one another but you stopped doing all of those things or you do them very rarely. Something has changed.

3. You think about another person
You don’t particularly think about cheating on your partner, but rather you fantasize about someone else. Someone who looks more approachable, someone who you think may be a better option for you. That someone might be at the center of your attention even when you’re in the company of your partner. That’s what makes you so frustrated because you don’t seem to focus on your current relationship and it feels like it’s slipping away. Maybe it really is.

4. Your future goals don’t align anymore
When you sit down and talk about your future, it seems like you have nothing in common now. He wants to move to another country and start a company there, but you have an awesome job right here where you are and you want to build a career out of it. He says that kids would just slow him down, although you want kids so badly. You see the conflict here? It seems like your roads are leading in different directions.

5. You’re failing to communicate
Every attempt to talk things through ends in sarcastic side comments or crying. You simply can’t seem to find a language that suits you both and you very often insult each other, without realizing. You have become passive-aggressive and it becomes so scary to look at the person you held so dearly and not understand them anymore.

6. You’re bored
Neither of you can find a way to make it fun or exciting anymore. There are so many new things that you could try out together, but you’re simply not interested in anything these days. You just want to stare at your laptop for the entire day because somehow that’s more relaxing than having to put up with your partner for a whole day on a hiking trip.

7. You’ve thought about the break-up
Just thinking about breaking up with your partner can become a very toxic little worm that creeps into your everyday life and makes it all a bit darker. You can’t stop thinking about it and it’s actually possible that if you’ve played out the break-up in your mind, there is nothing more you can do to save it. You were comfortable with thinking about it, so why are you struggling with doing it?

8. You don’t laugh together anymore
You are more unhappy and depressed than you’ve ever been before. You can’t find an explanation, it’s simply because you can’t seem to find that little spark of joy in your relationship that can light the flame of passion again. You are sad and it seems that the only way to make yourself laugh again is to leave.

9. You don’t grow
You don’t grow as an individual anymore. The relationship doesn’t seem to bring you any self-development now and it doesn’t seem like it’s serving a purpose. You feel stuck and unable to grow as an individual or as a partner.

Just remember that it’s fine. It’s OK if things don’t work out between you two and you shouldn’t blame yourself if it falls apart. Remember that it was a wonderful time of your life that taught you some valuable lessons, but it’s time to leave and move on. If you think that there is something that can make it all better and that you two can start anew, then try—sit down and talk to your partner. But remember that if it does end, it’s not the end of the world. You are still alive, you are still precious and lovable.
