8 Painful Signs It Is Time To Give Up On Him

8 Painful Signs It Is Time To Give Up On Him

2. You are walking on eggshells when you are with him
Do you feel like you need to watch out what you say or do in front of your partner? Are you afraid that he will freak out if you do something that he doesn’t like? If the answer is ‘yes’, then you should think about where you are now and if you want to be in the same place in a couple of years. You can’t put your life on hold just to satisfy him and you can’t put him first all the time. What was the last time he did that for you? Never, I know. So, why would you sacrifice yourself for the man who couldn’t care less for you?

3. He belittles you in front of everyone
He considers it to be just a joke, but the truth is that because of that joke, you feel deeply hurt. Somehow, he always says something that you don’t think is nice in front of the others and he never shows that he cares about you. By belittling you, he feels dominant and like someone who is the main part of the relationship. You need to tell him that what he does is not nice at all and that he needs to get his shit together if he wants to stay with you.
