7 Ways How To Dodge An Emotional Manipulator

7 Ways How To Dodge An Emotional Manipulator

Emotional manipulators are extremely dangerous for everyone, but especially empaths. These people will try to manipulate you, to alter your behavior to get what they want and you won’t even be aware of it.

They will guilt-trip you and make you feel ashamed if you don’t do something they asked you to do. And then, of course, you’re left with no choice other than to do as they say and there you go—a perfect emotionally manipulated circle.

Empaths are especially endangered because emotional manipulators draw these kinds of people close to them. They pick up on a manipulator’s negative energy and because of the fact that they are vulnerable, they end up getting seriously hurt.

If you think you’ve been emotionally used and hurt, try these ways to dodge that bullet next time:

1. Learn to say ‘no’
You have to be able to say ‘no’ firmly and with attitude. You have to show that you mean it and take a stand for yourself, otherwise no one will take you seriously. You have to remember that you have the right to choose your happiness and your choices should be yours alone. No one has the ability to make you feel guilty for something you decided to do. Actually, no one has the right to interfere in anything that you do because it’s your life and you can do with it whatever you choose to.

2. You have to learn to confront bullies
Research has shown that bullies are victims of abuse themselves, which doesn’t give them the right to bully others, but it’s something we should all think about. Nevertheless, you have to learn to confront your abuser by showing that you are not scared. Grow a backbone and they will leave you alone and back down. You can ask for help from your friends and family and you don’t have to oppose them alone because I know how terrifying that might be.

3. You have to see through their false kindness
Whenever you ask them to do something to help you, they will but you can see on their face and in their body language that they really don’t want to. And when you tell them to forget about it because you don’t want to force anyone to do anything for you, they will make a scene by turning things around on you, telling you that you made a big deal out of it and that you are the insane one. Whenever an emotional manipulator tries to do this to you, just ignore his sighs after you ask him to do something and let him be the drama queen that he is, but don’t let it bother you at all.

4. Write down the things they say to you
Their biggest weapon is turning things around. They will take your words and make it seem like you’ve said something that works for them. It’s unbelievable how they do it, and a lot of people just can’t find their way out of a manipulator’s lies. This leaves you feeling like crap because you think you did something wrong, when actually you were nothing but a victim of their diabolical scheme. The best thing you could do is to write down details of your conversation to make him see and remind yourself what your and their exact words were. This is the only way you can stay sane and not let him manipulate you.

5. Avoid emotional attachment to them
No matter how sweet and nice they may seem, it’s a trap so don’t go there because you’re going to regret it. At first, they are going to be nice and generous and it will be hard for you to break free from the emotional attachment. But as your relationship grows, so will his distance and manipulations. Emotional manipulators are always ready for their next victim and if they see more potential for exploitation in someone else, they will take advantage of it. Believe me, you can stay in contact with these kinds of people, but only if you really have to and while you’re at it, lock your emotions deep inside where they can never reach them.

6. Avoid people who make it all about themselves
If you’ve met a guy who is always making everything about himself and his problems, then run away as fast as you can. These kinds of men will manipulate you by making their problems bigger and more important than your own. In this way, they are manipulating you and making you feel bad about them, leading you to forget about your problems and to devote all your time to them. Don’t fall for this because it’s all crap.

7. Listen to their tone of voice
Pay attention when people speak to you, to what tone they are speaking, especially men because by doing so you can avoid stumbling upon an emotional manipulator and save yourself the pain. If a man is talking to you at a high volume, he probably wants to speak to you to get you to stop defending yourself and accept his demands and terms. This is a classic example of manipulation. Someone denies you the right to speak about what’s on your mind by cutting you off or being louder than you, leaving you no choice.
