7 Things You Should NEVER Do When You Get Cheated On

7 Things You Should NEVER Do When You Get Cheated On

I have seen too many women in my life who were cheated on and those women made some awful mistakes that they will be regretting for the rest of their lives. I have learned from their mistakes and from mine. I know that it’s very hard to confront the fact that the person who we thought to be the love of our life chose someone else over us. That isn’t the end of the world and it shouldn’t get you down, because you are better off without him anyways. But let’s just be clear about the things you should absolutely not do after you’ve been cheated on, just so you can walk away proudly and never look back.

1. Take the blame
Never, and I repeat, NEVER take the blame. It’s not your fault that he decided to leave and go off with someone else. You did everything you could in order to make him happy and to make him feel loved and appreciated. He’s the one who lost someone so precious like you are and believe me, he simply wasn’t able to see the blessing you are. So why would you want to take the blame for it? You are wonderful, it’s his fault for being blind.

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