5 Things To Do When An Emotionally Unavailable Man Keeps Coming Back

5 Things To Do When An Emotionally Unavailable Man Keeps Coming Back

Getting over an emotionally unavailable man is hard. Especially when that emotionally unavailable man keeps coming back. Let’s be real here. When you start a new relationship, you don’t expect it to end. You always hope that he is going to be the one for you, that he’s going to show you that love is worth fighting for. And then, he shows you that he’s just another fucktard you fell hopelessly in love with.

How do you move on from that? You know that he’s not the one, you know that he screwed you over and over again, but hope is what breaks you every single time you think of him. You still remember how amazing he was when you first met, you can still taste his lips on yours and you still hope he will come back.

But the thing is, emotionally unavailable men need to make that decision for themselves. No one can force them to change and grow up. No one can make them change except themselves. And that’s the sucky part.

So, what now? How do you properly move on from such a relationship where you felt like you were the only one who loved, where you felt like you were screaming at a brick wall and nothing happened? Hell, you even believe that wall had more emotions than your ex did. How do you move on from a relationship where you gave your best and gained nothing but pain and frustration in return?

Let’s break it into a few parts. Firstly, we need to know what the hell he is going to do. Is he going to play the victim, make you jealous, rub it all in your face or is he going to deliver you the whole damn package? Then, it’s important to know how to react and what to do. Spoiler alert: it involves the no contact rule.
