12 Ways To Behave After Sleeping With A Guy For The First Time
5. Don’t imply anything about the future
You know, there are some girls who fantasize about marrying the first guy they sleep with but that is not what happens in most cases. Somewhere along the road, they figure out that those boys are not as ideal as they pretended to be. So, they decide to leave them and find their happiness in another place. But when it comes to the first time with someone, the last thing a man wants to hear afterward is stories about your future family, a house with a big garden and a pet. Just because you have slept with him it doesn’t mean that he will marry you. Just because of sex one time, it doesn’t mean that you will like him in the future. So, don’t imply anything about the future and just enjoy the present.
6. Let him talk
If you want to know how to behave after sleeping with a guy, there is one golden rule you need to follow–let him talk! If you are the only one talking, it won’t be interesting to him. Instead, try to talk to him about something that you have in common. Let him tell you more about him because chances are he will get a little bit emotional after sex. He will think that he can trust you and I am sure he will want to share some things with you.
7. Always leave first
It can be quite awkward after sleeping with a guy, especially if that was your first time. You don’t know whether he wants to stay or if he wants to leave. You don’t know what to say or how to behave. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that you should just breathe. Focus on having fun so try to engage him in an interesting conversation. After you see that it was enough, tell him that you need to get up early in the morning, kiss him goodnight and leave. Don’t wait for him to leave you because if you do it first you will be seen as cool and he will want to chase you even more.
8. Appreciate the night you had
After you sleep with a guy, you should appreciate the night you two had and be okay with the fact that he might not want to have anything else with you. Not every act of sex should lead to a relationship and that is totally normal. For you, it is the best way to have some boys as examples and to wait for the right one for the big things. So, just appreciate the things you learned when you were sleeping with him and move on with your life if there is not enough chemistry between the two of you.