10 Things You Have The Right To Expect From Your Relationship

10 Things You Have The Right To Expect From Your Relationship

4. To be partners
Well, is it even a relationship if you two don’t work as partners? When you and your lover consider each other partners in crime, you can easily conquer life. No matter what is thrown in front of you, you know that you have someone by your side who can help you get through the hard times. When he calls you because he can’t handle something alone, how do you feel? You feel important and you know that he’d be there for you too if needed.

5. Respect
We are always talking about the importance of respect because it is crucial for a healthy and loving relationship. If your partner respects you, he will never ask you to do things that are impossible for you to do. He will respect your boundaries and never ask for sex unless you want it as much as he does. Respect is really the fundamental thing in every good relationship.

6. Commitment
If you want a committed, long-lasting relationship and you were clear about it to your partner, then you have the full right to expect the same thing from him. If he doesn’t take the relationship seriously, as much as you do, then there’s nothing you can do about it but leave him. You are worthy of a man who only has eyes for you. Everything else isn’t for you.
