10 Signs You’re Dating A Pathologically Jealous Man

10 Signs You’re Dating A Pathologically Jealous Man

1. He wants you only for himself.
Things could get dangerous if he does this. His possessiveness can destroy you because this way he can take away your freedom and start controlling every aspect of your life. And if you don’t like it and you oppose him, he can get aggressive because he really thinks he owns you and can do whatever he wants with you.

2. He isolates you from your friends and family.
He wants you to direct all of your attention only to him, so he freaks out when you’re talking to pretty much anyone but him. If you’re regularly talking to your mother or your sister, he’ll complain and maybe even try to forbid you to do that because he can’t stand the fact that he is not the only important thing in your life.

3. He tries to intimidate you.
His jealousy can blind him and sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s doing. He will threaten you, he will emotionally blackmail you to get what he wants. He will make sure that you stay where he thinks you belong—below him. He feels he is the master of your relationship and you’re nothing but his obedient puppet.
