10 Reasons Why The Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Fiercely Independent Woman

10 Reasons Why The Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Fiercely Independent Woman

2. She’s with you because she wants to be, not because she needs you
You don’t have to wonder if she’s with you because she needs you, because she’s afraid of being alone or because she needs your financial help. She is with you because she wants to be with you. She was perfectly fine on her own but something about you made her lower her walls and let you in. If that’s not the definition of trust and love, I don’t know what is.

3. She never plays mind games
Another great thing about her is that she respects honesty and loyalty as much as she respects her own time. She will always be honest with you, because she is not the kind of woman who plays games to get something or somewhere. She does it with her own hard work, her own efforts and skills and her own love. Games are not her thing.

4. She has the most amazing aura of happiness and confidence
Having someone in your life who emits that much confidence and happiness is like having a sun of your own. She will always shine brightly for the two of you. And when days come that she loses her light, being able to help her regain it is the greatest honor anyone ever can give you. To be her light when she needs you to be, to be her shield when she loses her own.
